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Prevention and Management of Endodontic Complications in Daily Dental Practice
Date: October 27, 2024 (11:00 AM – 1:00 PM)
Location: SkyCAD Dental Technology
145 Renfrew Dr. Unit 209, Markham, ON L3R 9R6
Fee: $50+HST
Credit: 2 CE
AGD subject code: 070
Refund and Cancellation Policy: Full refund available until October 20, 2024.
Free for Pure Practical Endodontics members (No CE credit is included).
For CE credits please register below.
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Dentistry is a demanding career, and challenges can escalate when facing procedural complications during treatment. Endodontic complications refer to adverse issues that can arise during or after root canal treatment.
While prevention remains the optimal solution for procedural accidents, they are an unavoidable aspect of our practice, potentially occurring regardless of a practitioner’s expertise or experience level.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this lecture, the participants should be able to:
- Implement proper treatment practices to minimize the occurrence of procedural accidents.
- Diagnose the complication to initiate timely management.
- Utilize evidence-based methodologies to manage accidents promptly and effectively.